The first workshop of BxDiff will be held at University Jean Monet in St Etienne (France), on Friday 10 December 2021.
It will be a great opportunity to learn about BRDF measurement and speckle – an important issue we are facing now in BRDF measurement when we reduce the bandwidth or when we move to high angular resolution. The apparition of speckle masks the BRDF of the surface. Experts will show the state of the art on this topic.
The agenda :
9:00 – Welcome
9:30 – Gael Obein (LNE-CNAM) | Evolution of BRDF measurement : when the speckle effect arose
10:00 – Pierre Chavel (Institut Graduate School) | The speckle theory (1) : an introduction
10:45 – Pierre Chavel & Anthony Cazier (Institut d’Optique Graduate School and University Saint-Etienne) | Educational demo with optical bench
11:30 – Pierre Chavel | The speckle theory (2) : advanced modelling
12:30 lunch
14:30 – Loic Denis (University of Saint-Etienne) | Removing speckle while maintaining resolution : methods in radar imaging.
15:15 – Thomas Labardens (LNE-CNAM) | Speckle effect in high resolution BRDF measurements
16:00 – Discussion : is the BRDF of a surface the expectation of the signal measured?
17:00 – end
Venue information and registration (free but requested) are available on the webpage of the event: here